Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If not, then why not?



What about City of San Antonio government? Where were they when this 1,000 ft. long, 30 ft. high retaining wall was being built? (It's kinda hard to miss a 1,000 ft. long, 30 ft. high retaining wall!)

  • Did San Antonio's Building Department review the plans for the 1,000 ft. long, 30 ft. high retaining wall? If not, then why not?

  • Did they make sure that the wall was designed by a registered professional engineer, and that the construction drawings were signed and sealed by the registered professional engineer? If not, then why not?

  • Did Centex have a construction permit for the wall? If not, then why not?

  • Did San Antonio's Building Department inspectors review the wall during construction to assure that it was being built according to plans prepared by a licensed PE? If not, then why not?

  • Did San Antonio's Building Department require as-built construction plans, sealed by a licensed PE? Did they compare the as-built plans against the signed and sealed permit plans to assure that the wall was built according to the licensed engineer's design? If not, then why not?

  • Did San Antonio's Building Department issue a certificate following construction (similar to an occupancy permit for a house) certifying that the wall was engineered by a licensed PE and build according to the plans that the licensed PE prepared and sealed? If not, then why not?

SERIOUS questions for BOTH Centex AND the City of San Antonio.


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