Friday, February 10, 2012

construction 101 for Pulte dummies

This is a control joint in the concrete slab in my garage.

ANYONE who is the LEAST bit familiar with concrete construction knows that control joints are put in sidewalks and other concrete slabs on grade when they are poured to control future cracking. The slab is a little thinner, and weaker, at the control joint, so that is where it is most likely to crack.
The control joint in my garage worked EXACTLY how it's supposed to. The problem is that the control joint just ends, and the crack doesn't. DUH! The crack just keeps right on going, to the wall and beyond, under the ceramic tile, which is also cracked. DUH! Just like thousands of other cracked foundation slabs and cracked ceramic floor tiles at SCHH.

Pulte "Master Builders" are Master IDIOTS!

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