Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Waterfront homes now available at Potomac Yards!


Uploaded by on Feb 29, 2012

Thank you pulte homes! See here the aftermath of the road closure. Crews are seen with a massive green pump working to pump which had completely flooded Route 1 resulting in its closure. Notice the cranes nearby moving earth in the vicinity of the Pulte Homes site. Waterfront homes now available at Potomac Yards!



Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's the matter with the rest of you deadheads?


What's the matter with the rest of you deadheads who bought crappy Pulte houses? Why aren't YOU speaking out?

Friday, February 24, 2012



"Fairhaven-Pulte-Schertz, TX Independent Engineer?

Case Study: Compliance and Professionalism

So, you’re a homeowner concerned about your foundation, your home’s structure, or perhaps your back yard retaining wall. Your foundation is sinking. Your walls are cracking. And, you’re entertaining the idea of getting an unbiased opinion from an “independent” engineer regarding your concerns. Well, you’re not alone.

Recently, I received a call from a homeowner. They were seeking an unbiased engineering opinion of some foundation cracks they had recently noticed. When they mentioned the subdivision name, it sounded vaguely familiar. After a quick review of my records, I realized that I may have rendered several similar opinions in that subdivision over the past year or so. To verify, I googled a few key words, clicked on some listings, and eventually found a letter from a builder to homeowners in Fairhaven- a Pulte community in Schertz, Texas.

If you are a resident of Fairhaven, then it’s likely you’ve already received or read Pulte’s Homeowner Letter dated January 3, 2012 as posted on their website . The letter basically outlines how Pulte plans to handle homeowner concerns regarding certain homes in the Fairhaven community that have experienced settlement and foundation issues. However, what struck me as oddly coincidental was the rather confusing statements made in the letter regarding retaining “independent” engineers. Here are two excerpts from the Pulte Letter:

  • “Based on our investigations to-date, it appears that there are a few homes experiencing unusual foundation cracking. Pulte has retained top engineers to help us analyze the situation with each home and assist in implementing a thorough corrective action. All repairs will be paid for by Pulte.”, and
  • “To ensure we properly analyze and repair each warranty issue, we have employed independent, structural and geotechnical engineers with years of experience dealing with Texas soils and home foundations.”

But, can a builder retain or employ “independent” engineers to analyze foundation problems for a particular homeowner or residence? Or, put another way, is it professionally ethical for a Texas licensed engineer to accept compensation exclusively from a builder, yet provide simultaneously “independent” or “unbiased” opinions to both the builder and the homeowner?

Well, you don’t have to go too far to answer these perplexing questions. You simply refer to the Texas Engineering Practice Act, Chapter 137, Compliance and Professionalism ( Engineers, like many other professionals, must maintain the interests and confidentiality of their clients. In so doing, engineers “shall not accept compensation or benefits from more than one party for services pertaining to the same project or assignment”. Put simply, unless authorized by the engineer’s client (Builder), an engineer may not act in the interest of, or reveal any opinions or other information presumed confidential to any third party (homeowner) unless authorized to do so (paraphrased from Chapter 137)."

I have no idea what the author means by the phrase "Put simply, unless authorized by the engineer's client (Builder),..." in the last sentence. IMHO, it is both unethical and unlawful for an engineer working for Pulte on a project to give "an independent professional opinion" to third parties about construction on that project. Pure and simple; cut and dried. There is nothing "perplexing" about it.

simply refer to the Texas Engineering Practice Act, Chapter 137, Compliance and Professionalism ("


Friday, February 10, 2012

construction 101 for Pulte dummies

This is a control joint in the concrete slab in my garage.

ANYONE who is the LEAST bit familiar with concrete construction knows that control joints are put in sidewalks and other concrete slabs on grade when they are poured to control future cracking. The slab is a little thinner, and weaker, at the control joint, so that is where it is most likely to crack.
The control joint in my garage worked EXACTLY how it's supposed to. The problem is that the control joint just ends, and the crack doesn't. DUH! The crack just keeps right on going, to the wall and beyond, under the ceramic tile, which is also cracked. DUH! Just like thousands of other cracked foundation slabs and cracked ceramic floor tiles at SCHH.

Pulte "Master Builders" are Master IDIOTS!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

you deserve what you get

This is how Twitter censors. These two tweets are "shares" from their sources. Twitter removes them from a search of "Pulte". Twitter is a shameless, dishonest PIG.

Here's what I don't understand. MOST people who get screwed by Pulte Homes just roll over. They might as well be saying: "Screw me again. And, while you're at it, you can screw everybody else too." At least the folks at Schertz are doing something about the screwing over that they're getting from Pulte homes. What's the matter with the rest of you?

Edmund Burke said: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

What do you think would happen if everyone who got screwed by Pulte Homes "shared" their experience on Twitter? Do you think that Pulte Homes might be forced to stop building crappy houses? I do. Do you think that Twitter would censor the THOUSANDS of people who have gotten screwed by Pulte Homes? I don't. Thousands of people shining a light on a problem is a LOT more effective than a handful.

To all of you people who've been screwed by Pulte Homes and don't say anything publicly: you deserve what you get.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

twitter pig

Twitter is all about freedom--outside the U.S.
But, when it comes to inside the U.S., Twitter censors.
I posted this 3 times, and 3 times, within a matter of minutes, it disappeared.

What a pig!