Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Extrapolation is a scientifically proven method for taking data from a small group and applying findings to a much larger group. Engineers use extrapolation all the time. For example, engineers in manufacturing will examine and test "samples" from the production line to determine the quality (or lack thereof) of the larger group.

Other disciplines use the scientific process of extrapolation as well. Pollsters use data gathered from a small group to scientifically gain knowledge of a much larger group. Pollsters often cite “margin of error” in their findings, which uses statistics to determine the accuracy of their findings. Depending upon the size of the sample, “margin of error” for a relatively large population (people, things, observations, etc.) is usually only plus or minus a few percentage points from the data obtained from a relatively small sample set.

In a finished house much is covered up by walls, ceilings, floor finishes, etc. Only a small sample of the workmanship (or lack thereof) for the completed house can be seen. By extrapolating what is seen to what can't be seen, one can determine the workmanship (or lack thereof) of a house or group of houses.

I’ve seen enough shoddiness in Pulte's construction,

• substituting nails for hurricane clips
• then putting NO nailsor 1 nail where there is supposed to be 2
• short nails
• in split wood
• missing its target, etc.
• leaking roofs
• shingles installed improperly
• buckling stucco
• no or blocked stucco screed openings
• cracked floor slabs
• lagoons not dug to depths shown on approved plans• shoddily built control structures
• etc.

to KNOW, scientifically, that Pulte builds shoddy houses, and treats their customers poorly.

Besides, there’s PLENTY of testimony on the internet to validate my findings.


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