To those at Sun City Hilton Head, SC who ask why I speak out PUBLICLY against Pulte, I have many reasons; but, here are the top two: shoddy construction and poor customer treatment.
- No respectable builder would substitute nails for hurricane clips in a hurricane-prone area.
- No respectable builder would fail to excavate lagoons to the depths shown on approved plans.
- No respectable builder would provide a product with shoddy stucco, mixed and applied improperly.
- No respectable builder would turn their product over to a customer before they assured that they had met all requirements.
Why does Pulte control communications here? The answer is obvious—because Pulte's shoddy construction and poor customer treatment won’t withstand the light of day, i.e., objective scrutiny.
- Pulte requires customers to sign “gag” agreements before they’ll fix their shoddy construction.
- Pulte requires resident BOD representatives to sign unanimity agreements.
- If a chairman on a Board-appointed committee acts or communicates in a way that Pulte doesn’t like, then Pulte fires them.
- Pulte reneges on its promise to turn over the community to the community at 90% buildout
- Pulte reneges on paying assessments for houses under construction
- Pulte stifles communications within the community
- Pulte treats customers like children
Look at the money that has been collected in assessments at SCHH in the last 10 years:
No resident knows where this money goes--Pulte doesn't provide SCHH residents with an independent, third party audit, even though it's OUR $. Pulte doesn't even allow its own BOD-appointed (resident) Finance Committee to review or to conduct an audit.
“All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
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