Monday, December 7, 2009

Try me

How far will Pulte Homes and Beaufort County go in denying that there are CONTINUING problems with roof truss connections and roof bracing in SCHH homes?

I have NO idea; but, I will tell Pulte and Beaufort County that there is PROOF that there are CONTINUING problems with roof truss connections and roof bracing in SCHH homes.

Whether it comes to roofs, stucco, lagoons, wetlands, failed retaining wall, incorporation, golf course management, etc., you can count on Pulte’s response: deny, deny, deny.

The appropriate response from a responsible company is really quite simple: "We'll check it out". But, not Pulte.

The latest revelation that construction problems with roofs are STILL occurring MORE THAN TWO YEARS after they were first discovered, and supposedly fixed, illustrates perfectly Pulte’s dishonesty, recklessness, and arrogance.

Deny, deny. deny. And, discredit the private home inspector while you’re at it.

This is the kind of response that you expect from a little kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar: "I didn’t do it, Mommy."

Grow up, Pulte.

Enough is enough. If the denials continue, then the PROOF will be made public.

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