Monday, February 23, 2009

Pulte, wetlands, and the Corps of Engineers

A question from :

Re: lagoon problems

« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2009, 05:47:01 PM »

I have heard that the Corp of Eng. has no finding against Pulte for flooding of the wet land areas that has killed the hard wood trees. The Corp has said that the area was once flooded and the area was drained for the growth af pine trees, therefore Pulte can reflood any area.

I don’t know what the Corps of Engineers official position is regarding the wetland problems here. All I know is that when two people from the Corps of Engineers met with a small group of residents here a few months ago, it was obvious from the get-go that the Corps staff were unsympathetic to the wetland problems here. I must admit that I don’t understand it. I thought that the Corps of Engineers was supposed to be all about preserving, protecting, and creating wetlands.

Congress funds the Corps of Engineers. Joe Wilson, Lindsey Graham, and Jim DeMint are our representatives in Congress. Maybe if enough of us contacted them, and asked them to have the Corps of Engineers come here and explain their position to us in public, at Magnolia Hall like DHEC did, then we’d get some answers. Votes matter to politicians.

PS Elsewhere on this blogsite is the story of Pulte, the US Department of Justice, and Environmental Protection Agency.


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